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About Bucher Municipal


Bucher Municipal is a leading manufacturer of municipal vehicles. Its range encompasses sweepers, sewer cleaning equipment, as well as winter maintenance  and vehicles for refuse collection. Its range encompasses sweepers, winter maintenance equipment, as well as vehicles for refuse collection and sewer cleaning. Bucher Municipal vehicles offer efficient cleaning, ease of operation, low maintenance costs and good environmental compatibility, whatever the weather conditions. Bucher Municipal is a division of Bucher Industries AG.

  • Sustainability report

    Sustainability Report

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  • Interims Report 2019 Bucher Indsutries

    First half of 2019: pleasing sales growth despite drop in demand

    PDF | 631.3 KiB
  • Interims Report 2019


    PDF | 631.3 KiB

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Young talents @ Bucher

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15 new patent per year

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Our new winter maintenance equipment

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Self driving vehicles

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Meet us at Ecomondo in Italy

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Part of Bucher industries

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Our Applications

Urban Cities
Bucher CityFlex® 204, FlexLine® 206

Urban Cities

Sewer cleaning units from Bucher Municipal are game changers

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Bucher CityFlex® 204, FlexLine® 206

ensuring a clean city

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High Quality standards

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Bucher Municipal is a world-leading supplier of municipal vehicles for cleaning and clearing operations on public and private roads and other traffic areas.

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Its  range encompasses sweepers, winter maintenance equipment, as well as vehicles for refuse collection and sewer cleaning.

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