Demopark gold medal | Bucher Municipal | United Kingdom




Gold for the perfect combination




Gold medal for Bucher CityCat V20e and Bucher Husky L14e

The all-electric vehicle combination from Bucher Municipal prevails

Although demopark could not take place this year, the usual novelty competition for the coveted gold and silver innovation medals took place. In this year's awards, the Bucher CityCat V20e won the gold medal together with the Bucher Husky L14e.

The all-electric vehicle combination impressed the jury of technical experts not only with its functional design, but above all with its sustainable approach to completely emission-free summer and winter maintenance.


Husky Le_Key Visual

With an all-electric combination that is unique worldwide, namely the new Bucher CityCat V20e compact sweeper (2 m3) and the Bucher Husky L14e brine spreader, Bucher Municipal is making a valuable contribution to reducing noise and particulate pollution in inner cities.

Municipal companies and service providers, faced with increasingly stringent environmental regulations, can use it to provide low-noise, emission-free urban cleaning all year round.

Together with the possibility of working at low-traffic times of day, this combination promises the highest possible utilisation and is thus exceptionally economical.